Fàilte - Welcome
Have you ever fancied learning the Scottish Gaelic language but struggled to decide which course to try?
Love Gaelic provides an enriched Gaelic Language Experience online, on the island and away from our home-base, that has helped countless students worldwide get ahead. Our unparalleled teaching methods help participants build their knowledge, learn and practice essential communication skills, as well as enables them to broaden their horizons and gain confidence in their use of the Gaelic language.
We publish our own educational resources to support Gaelic learners all over the world and are especially thrilled that so many of our projects attract so much interest from Universities as well as Gaelic communities around the globe. Our corporate Love Gaelic tartan especially is a reflection of our love for the language and the challenges it is facing.
With our location and experience, we have the tools necessary to support those who want to enjoy the Love Gaelic Hebridean Lifestyle from the comfort of their home or when visiting the Hebridean Islands. You can become part of a bigger movement to help save this ancient Gaelic language!
Our course offering is unmatched and created for individuals or groups of all ages and academic levels. Have a look through the site to learn more about the syllabus and how to apply, and get in touch if you have any questions.
We do not received funding for our enterprise, so any donations would be highly appreciated.

News/ Naidheachdan

Why Learn Scottish Gaelic
Develop. Grow. Succeed.
For many people today learning Gaelic is about love for a language. It is about becoming part of culturally something unique and valuable that connects to an ancient part of Scottish culture and identity that was almost lost forever in the 19th century. Scots Gaelic today is about enjoyment, fun, inclusion and socialising. Go online and you will find various Gaelic groups on Facebook to interact with, join a Gaelic Choir for real fun nights or experience the many fun Gaelic events held throughout the year. There are many opportunities to find work placements where Gaelic is an intricate part of job description and development through the Arts, Media companies, Government Jobs and Gaelic teaching. Learning Gaelic is about taking a positive step in your learning journey and your future.
The Gaelic language is thriving and with a positive increased online presence raising awareness across the world, now is the perfect time to learn the language and be a part of its future. So why not join one of our Gaelic language courses, and be a part of the Gaelic future.

Love Gaelic is always trying to improve our curriculum and meet the needs of our growing community. Student feedback is a vital part of
this process, and we’re proud to share the reviews we’ve received. Contact us if you’d like to learn more.

Apply Now
Join Our Online Language Course
Please get in touch with us if you have a specific question on what is currently on offer or if you want to book an island immersion experience. All course information, availability, entry requirements and fees, is on the website. We do not offer advice, translation or a general enquiry service.
Monday- Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 1.30pm