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Hear It From the Source

19 - 22 AN LÙNASDAL 2021

"A-rithist tha Ann air soirbheachadh le cùrsa ùr eile. An turas seo b' e Cùrsa Bogaidh a bh’ ann suidhichte sa mhòr-chuid air Uibhist a Tuath ach air Bearnaraigh agus Na Hearadh cuideachd. Thòisich sinn le seisean tòiseachaidh ceithir uairean a thìde ann an Kirkibost, gu lèir sa Ghàidhlig. 

An ath-latha shiubhail sinn timcheall air iomadh àiteachan inntinneach, eachdraidheil agus cultarail a' gabhail a-steach bàrr-phuingean leithid a' bruidhinn ri Eòin agus Aonghas (dithis luchd-labhairt le Gàidhlig bho thùs) aig an t-seada bhàta traidiseanta aca agus a' còrdadh lòn maorach aig Caladh na Ceallan. Bha cothrom ann tadhal air ’The Woolshed' cuideachd, far an robh Gàidhlig air a bhruidhinn a-rithist agus a cheannach cuid rudan brèagha. Am feasgar sin bha dìnnear againn air croit Anne còmhla ri a màthair-chèile aig a bheil Gàidhlig.

Disathairne ghabh sinn an t-aiseag gu Na Hearadh còmhla ri Seumas MacGilleEidich, dealbhadair agus eòlaiche-nàdair a tha dìoghras aige air a' Ghàidhlig agus a cleachdadh* airson cunntas a thoirt air an t-sealladh-tìre, an fhiadh-bheatha agus an cultar. Bhruidhinn e rinn anns a' Ghàidhlig fad an latha agus abair iongnadh mìorbhailleach nuair a stad e aig croit ri taobh Tràigh Luskentyre gus Dòmhnall John fhaicinn, breabadair gu math aithnichte a dh’innis dhuinn ann an Gàidhlig na Hearadh mun obair aige le Nike agus an tadhal aige o chionn ghoirid bho Joanna Lumley airson am film aithriseach aice.

Didòmhnaich bha a' ghrian ris airson an coiseachd againn air an Tràigh Bhearnaraigh agus an turas againn dhan àite-sheallaidh Hiort far am b' urrainn dhuinn a faicinn gu soilleir dìreach 30 mìle air falbh!

Agus seo uile fhad 's a bha sinn, an triùir againn air a’ chùrsa, a’ feuchainn ri bruidhinn sa Ghàidhlig cho tric ’s a ghabhas le cuideachadh agus misneachadh bho Ann.

Molainn e gu mòr ma tha thu airson na Ghàidhlig agad a dheuchainneachadh san t-saoghal fìor."

Dùghlas Moireasdan, Alba

Gaelic courses North Uist
Gaelic courses North Uist
Gaelic courses North Uist
Gaelic courses North Uist


"The 2 day intensive course with Ann was fantastic fun. A relaxed and comfortable class was set with emphasis on adopting good learning habits & pronunciation. Ann was very patient and encouraging, with 12 modules covered in the 2 days working from a booklet of well-planned lessons with activities. I particularly enjoyed the counting and directions games as we were up and about, and using the language made it stick. The course was given Ann's special touch with a raffle, the games, a song, stories and a postcard. By the end of the course we had covered lots of content and I felt much more confident in speaking and listening. I would highly recommend this course with Ann to Gaelic learners."

Emma Sands, Wellcome Trust PhD Student, University of Dundee


"The course was brilliant right from the start, there was a warm welcome with hot drinks and pastries that created an environment where we quickly got to know each other which helped the learning process. The weekend was broken into achievable stages and Ann spent time to ensure we all understood and regularly ran over the  material to allow us to get to grips with the new information. This allowed us to move on together and ensured no one was left behind. We regularly broke into groups to participate in dialogue, exercises and games, this helped to further reinforce the new things we had learned. Although I had difficulty in some of the exercises, Ann provided assistance and I confidently progressed as did we all. I would highly recommend this course and Ann as a teacher and I feel  I recived a great deal from the two days. The pack I received was excellently put together and the information and accessories have been a great help in home study, particularly the website study access that has allowed me to go over the areas I struggled with during the weekend.

To summarise, a great course with a great teacher and backed up with excellent support, I have recommended to friends and family and will continue to so."

Andy Thompson, Dundee, Scotland

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