Hear It From the Source
I took the Booster course with Ann to keep up my Gaelic during summer and I feel like it has really helped me strengthen my grammar and improve my pronunciation. The resources that Ann has created are fun and make the grammar easier to understand and the one-on-one sessions are very
flexible and useful! Ann is very knowledgeable and has a lot of Gaelic-hacks to improve your speech and she is also very encouraging and patient. I feel like I have gotten a lot out of it and I am sure you will also make progress during the course.
Melvin Oosterhuis, Edinburgh
I have recently completed this course, and I was, and am, delighted with it. I was listening to a debate the other evening on the radio about ‘happiness’ and one of the participants made the point that, usually, when we are we are happy, we are not aware of it. This may be generally true, but I can say that while I was on the course Comas Labhairt sa Ghàidhlig with Anna Ruadh, I was aware of being happy during all stages – the exercises and preparation, the on-line material, the tutorials and the group sessions. All of the material is of a very high standard, reflecting a lot of hard work by
Anna herself. I had reached a situation where my writing and reading in Gàidhlig had got far ahead of my ability to speak and listen. Now I feel much more confident and I’m looking for opportunities to put all I have learned into practice. The contributors on the radio programme also stated that one
way to increase your general level of happiness was to spend money, not on material things, but on learning new skills with other people, and Comas Labhairt sa Ghàidhlig certainly ticks that box too. I just wish it went on for more than four weeks!
John Kerrane (or Iain Mac ‘Ille Chiarain, according to my certificate)
This summer I wanted to take a Scottish Gaelic immersion course, but previous plans had not worked out. A fellow student at the Atlantic Gaelic Academy mentioned she had just started a four week immersion class with Ann Desseyn from North Uist, Outer Hebrides, Scotland. I contacted Ann by email hoping she might be doing another immersion class since the July one had already begun. She couldn't have been more gracious. That set the tone for this entire experience. Ann made herself available for any and all help needed during the four week course. The one-on-one study sessions were tremendously helpful as were the group sessions. The material was clear, practical, helpful, interesting and fun! Ann is an excellent teacher, able to work with all levels and learning styles. She is a highly creative, talented and personable individual. This was a great experience!
Pamela Bedenbaugh
Tulsa, Oklahoma
I have just completed the 4-week Gaelic Confidence Booster Course with Anna as I was looking to continue my own progress throughout the summer term. As my LO is in Gaelic Medium Education, I think that it is imperative for me as a parent to be able to support his learning through understanding and speaking as much as I can at home. I feel I have achieved this and we have increased the use of Gaelic within our home environment as the content within the course was fun and not only were we able to follow the story together, we could also enjoy the bonus material which included quizzes, numbers and colours, which I was beaten on every time!! This course has been invaluable to me as it has enhanced my Gaelic through following the story and increased my day-to-day speech and give me confidence in speaking through the Skype group work. Anna provided me with support throughout the course and the material was not only fun but I will be able to look back and use it for futher reference! I would recommend this course to anyone who has the ability to understand and speak Gaelic and who wants to further speech and reading abilities. I look forward to working with Anna again in the future. I thank Anna and my Skype group for providing me with this learning opportunity!
Karen Kilpatrick, Glaschu
Fantastach! Tha mi air mairsinn ochd leasanan uair a thìde còmhla ri Anna! Tha obair-dachaigh gu leòr ann le reacordaidhean fuaimne ri dhèanamh gach seachdain. Dh’fhairich mi mar oileanach làn-ùine fad trì no ceithir laÌ€ithean gach seachdain. Tha mi a' feuchainn ri mo mhisneachd ann a bhith a’ bruidhinn a leasachadh agus tha an cùrsa seo air cuideachadh le sin. Ach tha slighe fhada ri dhol fhathast! Dh’obraich Anna gu cruaidh ann a bhith a’ ceartachadh mo chuid labhairt agus uaireannan bha sinn dìreach a’ gàireachdainn. 'S e cùrsa math a th' ann oir tha e dùbhlanach le fòcas làidir air a bhith a’ bruidhinn.
Peter Airey, Scotland
I can highly recommend Ann’s teaching approach. It’s very well constructed and efficient.
I am self taught over a couple of years with no one to talk to in Gaelic and so the whole experience was for me extremely beneficial.
Ann is charming and professional.
I will be keeping going with her.
Lorna Kyle, Scotland