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This book includes 50 Gaelic grammar points which include a brief explanation and corresponding exercises & answers to work with.
1. Possessive articles 2. Do + Personal Pronoun 3. Comparative Adjective 4. Word Inversion 5. Adverbs - direction / location 6. Verbal Noun 7. Visible Lenition 8. Adjectives 9. Future Tense 10. RI + Personal Pronouns 11. Past Tense of Regular Verbs 12. Ann + Personal Pronoun 13. Irregular Verb To Do/To Make 14. Me too - Me neither 15. Irregular Verb To Give 16. AIR + Personal Pronouns 17. Imperative 18. LE + Personal Pronouns 19. Irregular Verb To See 20. Tu or Thu 21. Irregular Verb To Hear 22. An or am 23. AIG + Personal Pronouns 24. Cia mheud 25. Irregular Verb To Say 26. To Be 27. Ann + Possessive Article 28. Irregular Verb To Get 29. RO + Personal Pronouns 30. Verb Usage 31. Vowels 32. Irregular Verb To Go 33. Prepositions + AIR 34. FO + Personal Pronouns 35. Emphasis Personal Pronouns 36. Irregulare Verb To Hear 37. 'S e or Tha 38. Vocative Case 39. Sentence Structure Inversion 40. GU + Personal Pronouns 41. Irregular Verb To Catch 42. FAR + To Be 43. Root/Stem of the Verb 44. Language - Nationality 45. Consonant Groups 46. Dative Case Singular Noun 47. To Be + Verbal Noun 48. AIG + Possessive Pronouns 49. BHO + Personal Pronouns 50. Irregular Verb To Arrive/Reach.

50 Grammar Exercises Part 1

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