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Tha an oifis fosgailte a-rithist!

Madainn mhath!

Tha sinn air ais san oifis a-rithist son bliadhna eile le spòrs 's ionnsachadh. Cuiribh fios thugainn ma tha sibh ag iarraidh Gàidhlig no cànan eile ionnsachadh còmhla rinn. Tha clàradh fosgailte a-nis.

Tha mi an dòchas gun robh deagh làithean-saora agaibh.

Ach, tha mise a' faireachdainn cho sgìth fhathast.

Tha mi sgìth (I am tired). Ciamar a tha sibhse? You can subscribe to our YouTube Channel to get updates on Murchadh, who will attempt some Gaelic phrases.

Goireasan - Resources (Clilstore)

Tha a’ mhòr-chuid de na h-oileanaich againn a-nis aig ìre ionnsachaidh gu math adhartach agus cuiridh iad fòcas air sgilean èisteachd is còmhraidh anns na mìosan a tha romhainn. Mar as motha a dh’èisteas tu, ’s ann as motha a chluinneas tu mar a tha Gàidhlig air a bruidhinn, chan e dìreach na thathar ag ràdh.

Most of our students are now at a pretty advanced learning stage and will focus on listening and conversation skills the coming months. The more you listen, the more you can hear how Gaelic is spoken, not just what is being said.

This year our focus is on multilingualism and communication skills training. As if conversation development wasn't (hard) enough. Let's put our lifetime of experience in multilingual environments to good use. Try copying this ... and sound like you mean it! Put on that big smile and speak loud enough.

You may feel more tired in the afternoon, but don't let that impact how you greet someone.

Learn languages with Love Gaelic: English, Dutch, German, French, Scottish Gaelic. Learn to jump from language to language comfortably on a daily basis. The ultimate experience, which can boost new relationships and opportunities for individuals, entrepreneurs and global business.

Thàinig oileanaich an-seo as t-samhradh agus chunnaic iad na fèidh air na rathaidean.

Bha sinn a' cluiche son greiseag, còmhla ri na h-oileanaich san t-Iuchar. Bha seachdain mhath againn!

You can find more pictures and videos on the website on our students' experiences on Uist over the summer break.

Don't forget to register on our courses if you want Gaelic and its economy to thrive!

Le deagh dhùrachdan

Ann Desseyn - Nic a' Chùbair (Cooper)

Stiùiriche - Director


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